Huanran Li

About Me

I am Huanran Li, a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Professor Daniel Pimentel-Alarcón. My research journey in machine learning has been diverse and dynamic, initially focusing on general machine learning with a deep dive into subspace clustering, visualization, and high-rank matrix completion. This work has been recognized through prestigious awards like the best student paper at IVAPP 2023 and the Outstanding Poster Award at MMLS 2023 .

More recently, my focus has shifted toward deep learning, particularly in the areas of Contrastive Learning (CL) and Large Language Models (LLMs). In this pursuit, I have developed an innovative model that integrates self-attention mechanisms into the contrastive learning framework. This work demonstrates not only practical advancements but also significantly contributes to the theoretical understanding of how augmentation scale impacts learning outcomes in contrastive learning. As I move forward, my aim is to deepen my exploration in this area for my Ph.D. final thesis, primarily focusing on Contrastive Learning, Neural Collapse, and Transformers.

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Professional Experience




I am always open to exploring collaboration opportunities. If you're interested in discussing potential collaborations or projects, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
